-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

da-da.. (drumroll)...

Stop press... I kept hearing about RSS feeds etc in the tech press and even though I knew roughly what they were, there's no substitute for experience. So I decided to add my own for this blog as a way to learn, and in case anyone reading out there is interested in getting alerted when I add things. Amazingly, it only took half an hour to do, such are the joys of blogger. Anyway, there's a button now on the right hand side of the screen underneath the "Archives". If you click you can subscribe via this cool service called Bloglines (which is free and easy to use).

I've also managed to get the archives into the much more user-friendly format of a clickable menu, and added a whole bunch of links to other people crazy enough to be building or renovating houses and blogging about the experience

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