-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Saturday, June 30, 2012

a long overdue update

Sorry for the radio silence.  Things have been progressing the past few months, albeit like molasses.

Dad has almost got the lakehouse finished -- apart from the painting that is, which I asked him to leave for me to do.  The only thing still outstanding is to finish the pier.  I am desperate to see photos, but I think Dad is waiting until it's completely finished before unveiling it :-)

In his spare time, Dad has also been working on what he calls the "octagon room" at his campsite.  This is sort of like a mini enclosed gazebo area, so that when Dave comes for his next winter working trip they have somewhere properly warm to sit.

He's also apparently cleared lots of stuff out from the old house so there's space to work inside when the weather is bad.  On the next trip, he and Dave are hoping to get the stumps for the extension poured as well as begin with the window restoration.

Speaking of the old house, we also *finally* got the revised plans for the old house renovation from the draftsman.  In late 2011, you might remember we decided to hedge our bets and make the "old house" a little bigger and more suitable for longer-term living.  The revised plans are now with the council so fingers crossed all will be smooth sailing.  

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