Another collection of random things spotted that might one day be useful...
I love this concept for painting stairs from Maryam's blog... stencilling, with a different pattern on each.
Or how about a roof shingled in old vinyl? (via Treehugger) It could be interesting for something like a carport where it didn't matter if it wasn't 100% watertight. Apparently this guy just put a nail through the middle holes in the record and that was enough to hold it down. (There's more photos at Treehugger site)
Perry Bird Pickets - a brilliant store in Melbourne that sells all kinds of cast ironwork to go on verandahs and fencing. It isn't cheap, but is nowhere near as expensive as I'd expected either - in some cases even cheaper than wooden fretwork.
I love this concept for painting stairs from Maryam's blog... stencilling, with a different pattern on each.
Or how about a roof shingled in old vinyl? (via Treehugger) It could be interesting for something like a carport where it didn't matter if it wasn't 100% watertight. Apparently this guy just put a nail through the middle holes in the record and that was enough to hold it down. (There's more photos at Treehugger site)
Perry Bird Pickets - a brilliant store in Melbourne that sells all kinds of cast ironwork to go on verandahs and fencing. It isn't cheap, but is nowhere near as expensive as I'd expected either - in some cases even cheaper than wooden fretwork.
Finally, a couple of my favourites from Martha Stewarts "50 tips for the kitchen"... (yes yes I know - even though no-one could do all she suggests without a fleet of staff, she still has some brilliant ideas). I like the idea of having glass storage positioned partly in front of a window so that you get light shining through it (tip 11). And I really like these "birds beak" shelves (tip 2) - apparently it's an old carpentry style for adjustable shelving. It's functional but also decorative.

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