Of course, a few details have changed since then - not least because I have (for now anyway) abandoned the idea of a giant haha and huge terraced lawn... It would take months of work, and so I want to live there for a bit and be *really sure* that it is what I want before we attempted it. It's such a lovely slope down to the dam now anyway that it seems a shame to lose it.
But the garden areas close to the house are unchanged. This is what they look like thus far:
Birds eye view:
There are 3 distinct areas I'm thinking of:
- The Long Border: this will be my main garden plot.. It will likely be a mixed border, with some shrubs like roses, but lots of perennials. From memory it is about 50m long by about 3-4m wide. I will have the occasional stepping stone within it so I can get in to the plants, but mostly it will be layered planting. Eg:
- Herb Garden: I may relent and have some roses here too, but at the moment am thinking this would be lovely to have as a herb potager... some parts could be laid out quite formally, others could perhaps be more informal, like the lavender/sage/yarrow in this:
- The Secret Garden: I'm not sure exactly what this will look like yet, except my thinking is that it will be the more shady area, so where we could have things like hydrangeas, maybe even ferns, a small fountain...
Side view of long border area:
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