-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Monday, May 05, 2008

revamping the shed

Besides making cheesy videos of house models, this weekend I did some real work too on our London backyard.

Specifically, we finally tackled the shed problem.

The shed was old when we bought the place nearly 10 years ago and we've done nothing to it except stuff it full of junk.

So... On Saturday we cleared it out. By giving stuff away (eg: a drawer full of aquarium equipment), throwing the really badly broken stuff out and taking the remainder "to the allotment" ... we managed to get to a shed that was more than half empty. Incredible.

On Sunday we tackled the junk that had built up outside, around the side & back. Mostly this was old wood and broken garden furniture. Dave salvaged what he could and then burnt the rest. Our decorative chiminea has turned out to be a brilliant incinerator. :-)

Then today, Monday, we wire-brushed the outer walls then I painted it a lovely blue to match the chicken house, and Dave replaced the broken glass and put on new roof felt. Now it looks like a brand new shed, I'm really pleased.

Here's the side view where you can truly appreciate the roofing:
side view of painted shed

This is what it looks like from the back step:

1 comment:

Jen said...

A delightful garden. A happy blue.
& Love the chickens.