-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Friday, July 15, 2005

so, do renovations stop for Harry Potter?

So I'm curious... how many housebloggers will admit to downing tools this weekend to read the new Harry Potter? :-)

I openly admit to devouring all the books - I don't care they're for kids, they're pure escapism and fun - and deliberately kept this weekend clear so as to read read read the new one. We've had to order 2 copies of the book as neither Dave or I was prepared to wait for the other to finish before getting to read it. (We'll donate the extra copy to the local library when finished, as we did last time).

If past history is anything to go by, next week will see half the people on the tube reading it too, no matter how huge a tome it is. I loved the sight last time of pin-striped 40-somethings sitting with their Financial Times neatly folded on top of their briefcase, instead engrossed in Harry Potter!


Anonymous said...

Well, I probably won't forgo the work on the house this weekend...but I will definitely not get as much done due to Potter mania.

merideth said...

oh yeah. i'm fully prepared to set aside my copy of "working windows" so i can read harry potter. sadly, beth will get to it first because she reads 1 meeeellion times faster than i do...that pretty much means it'll be in my hands for obsessive devotion by the weekend's end

Deb said...

who has time for renovating when harry potter is staring up at you from the cover begging you to pick him up and read all that will happen to him this year....

i've been reading them to ella (5 1/2 years old) for the last month or so and she's loving it, but i'm torn whether to read number 6 now or wait until i've re-read them all so they're nice and fresh in my mind.... it's amazing the foreshadowing that i missed the first time round!

K said...

I have to wait till tomorrow to get my copy ... my mom is giving it to me for my birthday. I know what I'll be doing every spare moment after that. :)