-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Thursday, June 02, 2005

great news about getting connected at Amherst

Dave just found this article: "Victoria is set to become Australia's most advanced IT state as over the next three years Telstra rolls out a $120 million fibre optic network that will bring true broadband communication to every town and hamlet from the Murray to the ocean. ... Thousands of kilometres of fibre-optic cable will be laid across the state. More than 700 telephone exchanges, 600 of them in regional Victoria, will be upgraded to handle the volumes of data the network will carry. More than 1650 state schools, nearly 400 police stations and 2000-odd state and local government offices, a total of 4000 sites, will be connected - in the first stage. After that widespread connections to businesses and homes are expected. 'Suddenly, fibre to the home (FTTH) becomes a possibility,' says George Fong, Ballarat's Information and Communications Technology co-ordinator. 'The (State) Government has used itself as the vehicle to spike an infrastructure roll-out.' "

Yay, yay, ten times yay!!!!

This is excellent news for us because it means we'll have a shot at getting decent broadband at Amherst. At the moment the only option is satellite broadband which is better than nothing, but it's not that fast... it's only about half the speed of what we have here in London!

Also, in Australia at the moment they have stupid download limits, where you pay per kb downloaded after you reach a certain level. Hopefully once they get proper broadband in place they'll change this. Otherwise you may as well forget about any video-on-demand / streaming video applications in Australia which seems ridiculous.

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