-----In 2004 we bought a falling-down house and 30 acres. This blog documents our progress-----

Friday, February 18, 2005

first plantings at allotment

Even though it was freezing, we decided to go ahead and plant the garlic cloves and shallot bulbs. They are in the same bed, half each. We are definitely going to have to get a move-on in clearing out some of the other beds or else we won't have enough space to grow all the things planned! Dave also bought some Scottish onion sets from a local man at the allotment, but we decided not to plant them as could wait till next weekend when hopefully it'll be a bit warmer. (The garlic cloves were already sprouting and the instructions said to plant them as soon as possible).

Also, we did the first of our sowings at home. We made little pots out of newspaper using this wooden roller thing we bought. Then planted 3 trays... each tray holds 24 pots. One tray is full of broadbeans, one is full of tomatoes, and the third is full of various kinds of peppers. Dave did the seed sowing as he has much more like than I at getting things to sprout. I made the pots and helped fill with dirt.

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